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The following publications contains the details of much of the work discussed on our
website. Most are widely available from libraries. Alternatively, the
authors are pleased to provide preprints of them. Brief summaries of selected
articles are linked to the left side of this page.
Encyclopedia Articles
- Baxter, L. L. (1995) In Encyclopedia of Energy Technology and the Environment, Vol. 1
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 306-321.
- Baxter, L. L. (1997) In The Wiley Encyclopedia of Energy and the Environment, Vol. 1
(Eds, Bisio, A. and Boots, S.) John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 198-213.
Books (edited)
- Baxter, L. L. and DeSollar, R. W. (Eds.) (1996) Application of Advanced Technology to
Ash-Related Problems in Boilers, Plenum, New York.
- Wall, T., Baxter, L. and Gupta, R. (Eds.) (1999) Impact of Mineral Impurities in Solid
Fuel Combustion, Plenum, New York.
Archival Journal Articles (appear in commercial citation indexes)
- Brewster, B. S., Baxter, L. L. and Smoot, L. D. (1988) "Treatment of Coal
Devolatilization in Comprehensive Combustion Modeling," Energy & Fuels, 2,
- Baxter, L. L. (1990) "The Evolution of Mineral Particle-Size Distributions During
Early Stages of Coal Combustion," Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 16,
- Baxter, L. L. (1992) "Char Fragmentation and Fly-Ash Formation During
Pulverized-Coal Combustion," Combustion and Flame, 90, 174-184.
- Baxter, L. L. (1993) "Ash Deposition During Biomass and Coal Combustion : a
Mechanistic Approach," Biomass & Bioenergy, 4, 85-102.
- Baxter, L. L. (1998) "Influence of ash deposit chemistry and structure on physical
and transport properties," Fuel Processing Technology, 56, 81-88.
- Baxter, L. L. and Desollar, R. W. (1993) "A Mechanistic Description of Ash
Deposition During Pulverized Coal Combustion : Predictions Compared With Observations,"
Fuel, 72, 1411-1418.
- Baxter, L. L., Fletcher, T. H. and Ottesen, D. K. (1988) "Spectral Emittance
Measurements of Coal Particles," Energy & Fuels, 2, 423-430.
- Baxter, L. L. and Habib, Z. G. (1992) "The Effect of Surfactants On Disaggregation
of Coal-Water Slurry Particles During Combustion," Combustion and Flame, 90,
- Baxter, L. L. and Mitchell, R. E. (1992) "The Release of Iron During the Combustion
of Illinois No-6 Coal," Combustion and Flame, 88, 1-14.
- Baxter, L. L., Mitchell, R. E. and Fletcher, T. H. (1997) "Release of inorganic
material during coal devolatilization," Combustion and Flame, 108,
- Baxter, L. L., Mitchell, R. E., Fletcher, T. H. and Hurt, R. H. (1996) "Nitrogen
release during coal combustion," Energy & Fuels, 10, 188-196.
- Baxter, L. L., Richards, G. H., Ottesen, D. K. and Harb, J. N. (1993) "In-Situ ;
Real-Time Characterization of Coal Ash Deposits Using Fourier-Transform Infrared-Emission
Spectroscopy," Energy & Fuels, 7, 755-760.
- Bernath, P., Sinquefield, S. A., Baxter, L. L., Sclippa, G., Rohlfing, C. M. and
Barfield, M. (1998) "In situ analysis of ash deposits from black liquor combustion,"
Vibrational Spectroscopy, 16, 95-103.
- Dunn-Rankin, D. and Baxter, L. (1991) "The Role of Dispersants in Coal-Water Slurry
Agglomeration During Combustion," Fuel, 70, 84-89.
- Jenkins, B. M., Baxter, L. L. and Miles, T. R. (1998) "Combustion properties of
biomass," Fuel Processing Technology, 54, 17-46.
- Jenkins, B. M., Kayhanian, M., Baxter, L. L. and Salour, D. (1997) "Combustion of
residual biosolids from a high solids anaerobic digestion aerobic composting process,"
Biomass & Bioenergy, 12, 367-381.
- Kaufmann, H., Nussbaumer, T., Baxter, L. and Yang, N. (2000) "Deposit formation on
a single cylinder during combustion of herbaceous biomass," Fuel, 79,
- Miles, T. R., Baxter, L. L., Bryers, R. W., Jenkins, B. M. and Oden, L. L. (1996)
"Boiler deposits from firing biomass fuels," Biomass & Bioenergy, 10,
- Nielsen, H. P., Baxter, L. L., Sclippa, G., Morey, C., Frandsen, F. J. and Dam-Johansen,
K. (2000) "Deposition of potassium salts on heat transfer surfaces in straw-fired
boilers: a pilot-scale study," Fuel, 79, 131-139.
- Ottesen, D. K., Baxter, L. L., Radziemski, L. J. and Burrows, J. F. (1991) "Laser
Spark Emission-Spectroscopy For In Situ ; Real-Time Monitoring of Pulverized Coal Particle
Composition," Energy & Fuels, 5, 304-312.
- Wall, T. F., Bhattacharya, S. P., Baxter, L. L., Richards, G. and Harb, J. N. (1995)
"The Character of Ash Deposits and the Thermal Performance of Furnaces," Fuel
Processing Technology, 44, 143-153.
- Robinson, A. L., Buckley, S. G. and Baxter, L. L. (2000) "Thermal Conductivity of
Ash Deposits 1: Measurement Technique," Energy & Fuels, ,
- Robinson, A. L., Buckley, S. G., Yang, N. Y. C. and Baxter, L. L. (2000) "Thermal
Conductivity of Ash Deposits 2: Effects of Sintering," Energy & Fuels, ,
- Buckley, S. G., Lunden, M. M., Robinson, A. L., Allen, D. C., Sandoval, A., Grebenkov,
A. J. and Baxter, L. L. (2000) "Fate of Sr and Cs in Biomass Combustion,"
Environmental Science, submitted.
- Baxter, L. L. (1989) "The Evolution of Mineral Particle-Size Distributions During
Coal Combustion," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 197,
- Baxter, L. L. (1989) "Turbulent Transport of Particles," Brigham Young
University, Ph.D. Dissertation
- Baxter, L. L. (1996) "Influence of ash deposit chemistry and structure on physical
and transport properties," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society,
211, 112-FUEL.
- Baxter, L. L. and Jenkins, B. M. (1995) "Laboratory Illustrations of the
Transformations and Deposition of Inorganic Material in Biomass Boilers,"
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 210, 85-FUEL.
- Baxter, L. L. and Nielsen, H. P. (1997) "The effects of fuel-bound chlorine and
alkali on corrosion initiation," Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical
Society, 214, 44-FUEL.
- Fletcher, T. H., Baxter, L. L. and Ottesen, D. K. (1987) "Spectral Emission
Characteristics of Size-Graded Coal Particles," Abstracts of Papers of the
American Chemical Society, 194, 4-FUEL.
Archival, Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings (dont appear in commercial
citation indexes but undergo comparable peer review and are available in archival form)
- Baxter, L. L., Hencken, K. R. and Harding, N. S. (1990) "The Dynamic Variation of
Particle Capture Efficiency During Ash Deposition in Coal-Coal Fired Combustors,"
In Twenty-Third Symposium (International) on Combustion Orleans, France, pp.
- Buckley, S. G., Robinson, A. L. and Baxter, L. L. (1998) "Energetics to Energy:
Combustion and Environmental Considerations Surrounding the Reapplication of Energetic
Materials as Boiler Fuel," In Twenty-Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion
Combustion Institute, Boulder, CO.
- Richards, G. H., Harb, J. N., Baxter, L. L., Bhattacharya, S., Bupta, R. P. and Wall, T.
F. (1994) "Radiative Heat Transfer in PC-Fired Boilers Development of the
Absorptive/Reflective Character of Initial Ash Deposits on Walls," In Twenty-Fifth
Symposium (International) on Combustion The Combustion Institute, Irvine, CA.
- Robinson, A. L., Buckley, S. G. and Baxter, L. L. (1998) "In Situ
Measurements of the Thermal Conductivity of Ash Deposits," In Twenty-Seventh
Symposium (International) on Combustion Combustion Institute, Boulder, CO, pp.
- Robinson, A. L., Junker, H., Buckley, S. G., Sclippa, G. and Baxter, L. L. (1998)
"Interactions between Coal and Biomass when Cofiring," In Twenty-Seventh
Symposium (International) on Combustion Combustion Institute, Boulder, CO, pp.
- Baxter, L. L. (2000) "Distinguishing Characteristics of Biomass Combustion
Technologies," In Biomass for Energy and Industry: 1st World Conference and
Technology Exhibition Seville, Spain, pp. accepted.
- Baxter, L. L., Chaney, J. and Mehta, A. (2000) "Fireside Coal Quality Impacts
Predicted by Boiler Simulator," In Effects of Coal Quality on Power Plant
Management: Ash Problems, Management and Solutions Park City, Utah, pp. accepted.
- Baxter, L. L., Robinson, A. C. and Buckley, S. (2000) "Engineering Models of
Biomass Combustion Processes," In Biomass for Energy and Industry: 1st
World Conference and Technology Exhibition Seville, Spain, pp. accepted.
- Baxter, L. L., Robinson, A. C. and Buckley, S. (2000) "The Potential Role of
Biomass in Power Generation," In Biomass for Energy and Industry: 1st World
Conference and Technology Exhibition Seville, Spain, pp. accepted.
- Baxter, L. L., Rumminger, M., Lind, T., Tillman, D. and Hughes, E. (2000) "Cofiring
Biomass in Coal Boilers: Pilot- and Utility-scale Experiences," In Biomass
for Energy and Industry: 1st World Conference and Technology Exhibition Seville,
Spain, pp. accepted.
- Abbott, M. F., Douglas, R. E., Fink, C. E., Deluliis, N. J. and Baxter, L. L. (1993)
"A Modeling Strategy for Correlating Coal Quality to Power Plant Performance and
Power Costs," In Engineering Foundation Conference on The Impact of Ash
Deposition on Coal-Fired Plants Solihull, England.
- Baxter, L. L. (1993) "In Situ, Real-Time Emission FTIR Spectroscopy as a Diagnostic
for Ash Deposition During Coal Combustion," In Engineering Foundation
Conference on The Impact of Ash Deposition on Coal-Fired Plants Solihull, England.
- Baxter, L. L., Abbott, M. F. and Douglas, R. E. (1991) "Dependence of Elemental Ash
Deposit Composition on Coal Ash Chemistry and Combustor Environment," In Engineering
Foundation Conference on Inorganic Transformations and Ash Deposition During Combustion(Ed,
Benson, S. A.) The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Palm Coast, Florida, pp.
- Baxter, L. L., Miles, T. R., Jr., T. R. M., Jenkins, B. M., Milne, T., Dayton, D.,
Bryers, R. W. and Oden, L. L. (1996) "The Behavior of Inorganic Material in
Biomass-Fired Power Boilers: Field and Laboratory Experiences," In Engineering
Foundation Conference on Industrial and Utility Use of Biomass Snowbird, UT.
- Grebenkov, A., Iakoushev, A., Baxter, L., Allen, D., Junker, H. and Roed, J. (1997)
"Energy Production form Contaminated Biomass: Progress of On-going Collaboration
Projects," In Engineering Foundation Conference on the Economic and
Environmental Aspects of Coal Utilization Santa Barbara, CA.
- Gupta, R., Wall, T. F. and Baxter, L. L. (1997) "Thermal Conductivity of Coal Ash
Deposits," In Engineering Foundation Conference on the Impact of Mineral
Impurities on Solid Fuel Combustion Kona, HI.
- Jenkins, B. M., Baxter, L. L., Jr., T. R. M. and Miles, T. R. (1996) "Combustion
Properties of Biomass," In Engineering Foundation Conference on Industrial
and Utility Use of Biomass Snowbird, UT.
- Junker, H., Baxter, L. L., Robinson, A. L. and Widell, K. E. (1997) "Cofiring
Biomass and Coal: Plant Comparisons and Experimental Investigation of Deposit Formation,"
In Engineering Foundation Conference on the Impact of Mineral Impurities on Solid Fuel Combustion
Kona, HI.
- Robinson, A. L., Baxter, L. L., Sclippa, G., Junker, H., Widell, K. E., Dayton, D. C.,
Belle-Oudry, D., Freeman, M., Walbert, G. and Goldberg, P. (1997) "Fireside
Considerations when Cofiring Biomass with Coal in PC Boilers," In Engineering
Foundation Conference on the Impact of Mineral Impurities on Solid Fuel Combustion
Kona, HI.
- Robinson, A. L., Buckley, S. G., Sclippa, G. and Baxter, L. L. (1997) "In Situ
Measurements of the Thermal Conductivity of Ash Deposits formed in a Pilot-Scale Combustor,"
In Engineering Foundation Conference on the Impact of Mineral Impurities on Solid Fuel Combustion
Kona, HI.
- Robinson, A. L., Junker, H. and Baxter, L. L. (1997) "Pollutant Formation, Ash
Deposition, and Fly Ash Properties When Cofiring Biomass and Coal," In Engineering
Foundation Conference on the Economic and Environmental Aspects of Coal Utilization
Santa Barbara, CA.
- Wall, T. F., Baxter, L. L., Richards, G. and Harb, J. N. (1993) In Engineering
Foundation Conference on Coal Blending and Switching of Western Low-Sulfur Coals(Eds,
Bryers, R. W. and Harding, N. S.) ASME, New York, pp. 453-463.
Normal Conference Proceedings, Reports, etc.
- Abbott, M. F., Douglas, R. E., Fink, C. E., Deluliis, N. J. and Baxter, L. L. (1994) In The
Impact of Ash Deposition on Coal-Fired Plants(Eds, Williamson, J. and Wigley, F.)
Taylor & Francis, Washington D.C., pp. 165-176.
- Bakker, R. R., Jenkins, B. M., Williams, R. B., Carlson, W., Duffy, J., Baxter, L. L.
and Tiangco, V. M. (1997) "Boiler Performance and Furnace Deposition During a Full
Scale Test with Leached Biomass," In 3rd Biomass Conference of the Americas,
Vol. 1 (Eds, Overend, R. P. and Chornet, E.) Elsevier Science Limited, Montréal, Ontario,
Canada, pp. 497-510.
- Baxter, L. (1991) "Preliminary Hazard Assessment: Multifuel Combustor Laboratory,"
Sandia National Laboratories, .
- Baxter, L., Davis, K., Sinquefield, S., Huey, S., Lipkin, J., Shah, D., Ross, J. and
Sclippa, G. (1995) "Combustion Aspects of The Reapplication of Energetic Materials as
Fuels As a Viable Demil Technology," In 1995 Global Demilitarization
Symposium and Exhibition, Vol. 1 St. Louis, MO, pp. 17-27.
- Baxter, L., Davis, K., Sinquefield, S., Huey, S., Lipkin, J., Shah, D., Ross, J. and
Sclippa, G. (1995) "Reapplication of Energetic Materials as Fuels," In Joint
Conference of the American Flame Research Committee and the Combined Central
States/Western States/Mexican National Sections of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 1
San Antonio, TX, pp. 382-387.
- Baxter, L. L. (1990) "Ash Composition Prediction as a Function of Coal Type,
Operating Conditions, and Boiler Location," In EPRI conference on the
Effects of Coal Quality on Power Plants(Eds, Mehta, A. K. and Harding, N. S.) Electric
Power Research Institute, St. Louis, Missouri, pp. 5/59-5/74.
- Baxter, L. L. (1992) "Boiler Performance with Blends of Eastern and Western Coals,"
In EPRI Conference on The Effects of Coal Quality on Power Plants San Diego, CA.
- Baxter, L. L. (1994) "The effect of Low-NOx Firing on Fireside Performance,"
In International Joint Power Generation Conference Scottsdale, AZ, pp. 211-220.
- Baxter, L. L. (1994) In Coal-Blending and Switching of Low-Sulfur Western Coals(Eds,
Bryers, R. W. and Harding, N. S.) ASME, New York, pp. 255-264.
- Baxter, L. L. (1995) "The effect of Low-NOx Firing on Fireside Performance,"
In The Economic and Environmental Aspects of Coal Utilization VI Santa Barbara, CA.
- Baxter, L. L. (1995) In The Impact of Ash Deposition on Coal-Fired Plants(Eds,
Williamson, J. and Wigley, F.) Taylor & Francis, Washington D.C., pp. 313-323.
- Baxter, L. L. (1996) "Influence of Ash Deposit Chemistry and Structure on Physical
and Transport Properties," In American Chemical Society Annual Meeting -
Fuel Section New Orleans, LA.
- Baxter, L. L. (1999) "Application of Combustion Modeling to Boiler Problem Solving:
Strengths and Weaknesses," In CODE Kickoff Seminar, Vol. 1 Tekes,
Helsinki, Finland.
- Baxter, L. L., Blander, M., Dayton, D. and Milne, T. A. (1996) "Thermochemical
Equilibrium as an Indicator of Ash Deposition Problems in Biomass Boilers," In
Developments in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion Banff, Canada.
- Baxter, L. L., Blander, M., Dayton, D. and Milne, T. A. (1997) In Developments in
Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, Vol. 2 (Eds, Bridgwater, A. V. and Boocock, D. G.
B.) Blackie Academic & Professional, London, pp. 1278-1292.
- Baxter, L. L., Chaney, J. and Mehta, A. (2000) "Fireside Coal Quality Impacts
Predicted by Boiler Simulator," In Effects of Coal Quality on Power Plant
Management: Ash Problems, Management and Solutions Park City, Utah, pp. accepted.
- Baxter, L. L. and DeSollar, R. W. (1991) "Ash Deposition as a Function of Coal
Type, Location in a Boiler, and Boiler Operating Conditions: Predictions Compared to
Observations," In International Conference on Environmental Control of
Combustion Processes Honolulu, HA.
- Baxter, L. L. and Dora, L. (1992) "The Combustion Behavior of a Blend of Eastern
and Western Coals: Comparisons Between a Blend and Its Individual Components,"
ASME Paper No. 92-JPGC-FACT-14, .
- Baxter, L. L., Gale, T., Sinquefield, S. and Sclippa, G. (1997) In Developments in
Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, Vol. 2 (Eds, Bridgwater, A. V. and Boocock, D. G.
B.) Blackie Academic and Professional, London, pp. 1247-1262.
- Baxter, L. L., Grebenkov, A., Kofman, P., Allen, D., Roed, J. and Junker, H. (1998)
"Chernobyl Bioenergy Project: Final Report, Phase 1," Elsamprojekt,
- Baxter, L. L., Huey, S., Lipkin, J., Shah, D., Ross, J. and Sclippa, G. (1996)
"Boiler Fuel as a Recycling Option for Energetic Materials," In Fourth
International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion Stockholm, Sweden.
- Baxter, L. L., Huey, S., Lipkin, J., Shah, D., Ross, J. and Sclippa, G. (1996) "Reapplication
of Energetic Materials as Boilers Fuels," In 1996 Global Demilitarization
Symposium & Exhibition Sparks, NV.
- Baxter, L. L. and Jenkins, B. M. (1994) "Baseline NOx Emissions During Combustion
of Wood-Derived Pyrolysis Oils," In Specialists Workshop on Biomass
Pyrolysis Oil Combustion NREL, Estes Park, CO.
- Baxter, L. L. and Jenkins, B. M. (1995) "Laboratory Illustrations of the
Transformations and Deposition of Inorganic Material in Biomass Boilers," In ACS
National Meeting, Division of Fuel Chemistry Chicago, IL.
- Baxter, L. L., Jenkins, B. M., Blander, M., Dayton, D. and Milne, T. A. (1996)
"Equilibrium Considerations During Ash Deposition in Biomass Boilers," In
9th European Bioenergy Conference, Vol. 2 (Eds, Chartier, P., Ferrero, G. L.,
Henius, U. M., Hultberg, S., Sachau, J. and Wiinblad, M.) Elsevier, Copenhagen, Denmark,
pp. 1108-1113.
- Baxter, L. L., Jenkins, B. M., Gale, T., Sinquefield, S. and Sclippa, G. (1996)
"Ash Deposit Chemistry and Structure Influences on Physical and Transport Properties,"
In 9th European Bioenergy Conference, Vol. 1 (Eds, Chartier, P., Ferrero, G. L.,
Henius, U. M., Hultberg, S., Sachau, J. and Wiinblad, M.) Elsevier, Copenhagen, Denmark,
pp. 198-203.
- Baxter, L. L., Jenkins, B. M., Miles, T. R., Jr., T. R. M., Milne, T., Dayton, D.,
Bryers, R. W. and Oden, L. L. (1996) "Inorganic Material Deposition in Biomass
Boilers," In 9th European Bioenergy Conference, Vol. 2 (Eds, Chartier,
P., Ferrero, G. L., Henius, U. M., Hultberg, S., Sachau, J. and Wiinblad, M.) Elsevier,
Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 1114-1122.
- Baxter, L. L., Jenkins, B. M., Miles, T. R., Miles Jr., T. R., Oden, L., Bryers, R.,
Milne, T. and Dayton, D. (1995) "Ash Behavior in Biomass Boilers," .
- Baxter, L. L., Lipkin, J., Ross, J. and Sclippa, G. (1996) "NOx Formation During
Combustion of Energetic Materials," In Second International Conference on
Combustion (ICOC '96): Conversion and Environmental Problems of Energetic Materials
Peaceful Utilization of Energetic Materials St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Baxter, L. L., Miles, T. R., Jr., T. R. M., Jenkins, B. M., Milne, T., Dayton, D.,
Bryers, R. W. and Oden, L. L. (1996) "The Behavior of Inorganic Material in
Biomass-Fired Power Boilers: Field and Laboratory Experiences," In Engineering
Foundation Conference on Industrial and Utility Use of Biomass Snowbird, UT.
- Baxter, L. L., Miles, T. R., Jr., T. R. M., Jenkins, B. M., Milne, T., Dayton, D.,
Bryers, R. W. and Oden, L. L. (1996) "An Overview of the Alkali Deposits Project: The
Behavior of Inorganic Material in Biomass-Fired Power Boilers," In Developments
in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion Banff, Canada.
- Baxter, L. L., Miles, T. R., Jr., T. R. M., Jenkins, B. M., Milne, T., Dayton, D.,
Bryers, R. W. and Oden, L. L. (1997) In Developments in Thermochemical Biomass
Conversion, Vol. 2 (Eds, Bridgwater, A. V. and Boocock, D. G. B.) Blackie Academic
& Professional, London, pp. 1424-1444.
- Baxter, L. L., Miles, T. R., Miles, T. R., Jr., Jenkins, B. M., Richards, G. R. and
Oden, L. L. (1993) "Transformations and Deposition of Inorganic Material in Biomass
Boilers," In Second International Conference on Combustion Technologies for
a Clean Environment, Vol. 1 (Ed, Carvalho, M. G.) Commission of European Communities,
Lisbon, Portugal, pp. Biomass II: 9-15.
- Baxter, L. L., Miles, T. R., Miles, T. R. J., Jenkins, B. M., Dayton, D. C., Milne, T.
A., Bryers, R. W. and Oden, L. L. (1996) "Alkali deposits found in biomass boilers:
The behavior of inorganic material in biomass-fired boilers - Field and laboratory
experiences," Sandia National Laboratories, .
- Baxter, L. L., Miles, T. R., Thomas R. Miles, J., Jenkins, B. M., Dayton, D., Milne, T.,
Bryers, R. W. and Oden, L. L. (1996) "The Behavior or Inorganic Material in
Biomass-Fired Power Boilers -- Field and Laboratory Experiences: Volume II of Alkali
Deposits Found in Biomass Power Plants," Sandia National Laboratories;
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, .
- Baxter, L. L. and Nielsen, H. P. (1997) "The Effects of Fuel-bound Chlorine and
Alkali on Corrosion Initiation," In American Chemical Society Annual
MeetingLas Vegas, NV.
- Baxter, L. L., Richards, G. and Harb, J. (1994) "Application of Advanced Technology
to Ash-Related Problems in Boilers," In EPRI Conference on the Effects of
Coal Quality on Power Plants EPRI, Charleston, SC.
- Baxter, L. L. and Robinson, A. (1999) In Biomass: A Growth Opportunity for Green
Energy and Value-added Products, Vol. 2 (Eds, Overend, R. P. and Chornet, E.) Elsevier
Science, Ltd., Oxford, UK, pp. 1277-1284.
- Baxter, L. L. and Robinson, A. (1999) "Key Issues When Cofiring Biomass with Coal
in pc Boilers," In Pittsburgh Coal Conference Pittsburgh, PA.
- Baxter, L. L., Robinson, A. C. and Buckley, S. (2000) "Engineering Models of
Biomass Combustion Processes," In Biomass for Energy and Industry: 1st
World Conference and Technology Exhibition Seville, Spain, pp. accepted.
- Baxter, L. L., Robinson, A. C. and Buckley, S. (2000) "The Potential Role of
Biomass in Power Generation," In Biomass for Energy and Industry: 1st World
Conference and Technology Exhibition Seville, Spain, pp. accepted.
- Baxter, L. L., Robinson, A. L., Buckley, S. and Sclippa, G. (1997) "Combustion
Research in Sandia's Multifuel Combustor," In PETC Program Review Meeting
Pittsburgh, PA.
- Baxter, L. L., Robinson, A. L., Buckley, S. G., Junker, H., Sclippa, G. and Widell, K.
E. (1997) "Biomass-Coal Cofiring: Imperatives and Experimental Investigations,"
In 3rd Biomass Conference of the Americas Montréal, Ontario, Canada.
- Baxter, L. L., Rumminger, M., Lind, T., Tillman, D. and Hughes, E. (2000) "Cofiring
Biomass in Coal Boilers: Pilot- and Utility-scale Experiences," In Biomass
for Energy and Industry: 1st World Conference and Technology Exhibition Seville,
Spain, pp. accepted.
- Buckley, S. G., Lunden, M. M., Robinson, A. L., Allen, D. C., Sandoval, A., Grebenkov,
A. J. and Baxter, L. L. (1998) "Fate of Sr and Cs in Biomass Combustion,"
Environmental Science, (submitted).
- Buckley, S. G., Morey, C. J., Robinson, A. L. and Baxter, L. L. (1997) "Feasibility
of Energetic Materials Combustion in Utility Boilers: Pilot-scale Study," In 1997
Spring Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Sandia
National Laboratories' Combustion Research Facility, Livermore, CA.
- Buckley, S. G., Robinson, A. L. and Baxter, L. L. (1997) "The Reapplication of
Energetic Materials as Boiler Fuels," In The 5th Global Demilitarization
Symposium and Exhibition Reno, NV.
- Buckley, S. G., Robinson, A. L., Morey, C. J. and Baxter, L. L. (1997) "Combustion
Properties of Energetic Materials," In The Fifth International Congress on
Toxic Combustion Byproducts Dayton, OH.
- Buckley, S. G., Sclippa, G. C. and Baxter, L. L. (1998) "Combustion Tests of Rocket
Motor Washout Material: Part I Focus on Air Toxics Formation Potential and Asbestos
Remediation," Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA.
- Grebenkov, A. J., Iakoushev, A. P. and Baxter, L. L. (1997) "Prerequisites for
Feasible Conversion of Radioactive Biomass Into Energy," In 1997
International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies Oakland,
- Jenkins, B. M., Baker, R., Gilmer, J. and Baxter, L. L. (1996) "Combustion Behavior
of Leached Straw," In Developments in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion
Banff, Canada.
- Jenkins, B. M., Bakker, R. R., Baxter, L. L., Gilmer, J. H. and Wei, J. B. (1997) In Developments
in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, Vol. 2 (Eds, Bridgwater, A. V. and Boocock, D.
G. B.) Blackie Academic & Professional, London, pp. 1316-1330.
- Jenkins, B. M., Bakker, R. R., Goronea, R. B. W. M. A., Carlson, W., Duffy, J., Baxter,
L. L. and Tiangco, V. M. (1997) "Combustion of Leached Rice Straw in
Wheelabrator-Shasta Boiler No. 1 at Temperatures above 900°C," In 1997
Spring Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute Sandia
National Laboratories, Combustion Research Facility, Livermore, CA.
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- Nielsen, H. P., Baxter, L. L., Sclippa, G., Morey, C., Frandsen, F. and Dam-Hansen, K.
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