Home Experiments Modeling Mission Statement Fuels Publications




Thermal Conductivity
SCR Performance


Home Experiments Modeling Mission Statement Fuels Publications


Thermal Conductivity
SCR Performance


    The experiments focus on analyzing the properties of the ash deposits, and determining how these properties are altered by a change in fuel type or boiler conditions. The properties of the ash determine whether it will corrode the boiler, hinder heat transfer, or pollute the environment. By performing experiments, we can determine the optimum boiler operating conditions and fuel types, so we can effectively utilize our knowledge of combustion processes to produce power. 


Thermal Conductivity: a material property that gives the time rate of heat flow through a unit                      thickness of homogenous material

Emissivity: a material property that tells how much radiation a surface emits compared to an ideal black-body radiator

Mass and Volume Growth: the addition of matter to a particle by means of various processes

Sintering: the formation of a solid from a collection of particles, by "densifying" the material 

Composition: the elements or chemicals that make up a material and their relative proportions

Corrosion: the chemical reaction between the metal surface and the ash deposits that produces a              deterioration of the metal and its properties

NOx   Formation: combustion of biomass and coal causes the production of NOx gases, which can be minimized with the proper fuel blend