This picture shows a typical experiment in which fly ash particles pass through the test section of the MFC and are queried using a number of in situ diagnostics. Also, gas samples are measure for CO, CO2, O2, SO2, NOx and total hydrocarbon content. The red mass is a deposit growing on a temperature-regulated probe that simulates a commercial power plant. The red line above the deposit is a laser beam which is used to measure the particles' size and velocity as they approach the tube.
Coal combustion provides over half of the electric power supply in the U.S. and represents our largest strategic energy reserve. Major issues surrounding its use as a fuel include pollutant production, ash deposition, residual carbon in the fly ash, and global warming impacts. We are investigating each of these issues in the MFC.
A great deal of our work is performed in conjunction with U.S. industries. This schematic diagram illustrates a typical 600 MWe coal-fired electric power generating station in which we have performed experiments. This station is 20 stories tall and burns coal at a rate of 200 tons per hour. Several experiments have been done to see the effect that switching coal types has on pollutant production and ash deposition. The circles represent sampling locations during the experiment.
Sponsor: National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)